Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hey everyone. I'm new to blogging, so please be patient with me as I get the hang of this. I'll be posting reviews of books for the most part. Please comment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica, Your blog looks great so far!:) Good to "see" you on here!:)
    Mel (A.K.A., Dan's wife)
    P.s. He said you were wanting to review books? What we've been doing some to contact publishers is using writer's market guides; you can get them at any library, and they list all the major publishers of books, magazines, etc. and their guidelines for submitting manuscripts. You can usually look them up through their website that is listed in the book, and then just find their marketing/PR email, and contact them.....sometimes you can even google book reviewer publishers or something similar and come up with all sorts of sites. In my sidebar, I have some of the sites I review for; you can even sign up through those sites and skip contacting the publisher. I hope this helps.:) (Hint: First Wildcard, in my sidebar, is really awesome to work with....but there are tons of blogs out there to get set up to review with....just google review books, and you'll probably come up with a LOT!) Hope this can email me anytime.:)
